Thursday 28 January 2010

Drawing with Katie

Last week I looked after Katie for a day while Di worked. We had a fun day and the girls played really well together. We got all the pens, all the crayons AND all the pencils out and they did drawing for ages - Kezia drew a cat (of course!) and Katie drew a cow!

When the girls had had enough of drawing, some building was called for. Dr. Bear was unimpressed!

Monday 25 January 2010

Excitement at Christmas

We've pinched this photo from the Peacocks' blog. It was taken at Christmas and we really like it, so we thought we'd put it on our blog too, even though it was from a few weeks ago.

Sunday 24 January 2010

Masterchef, here we come!

Kezia and I cooked up a culinary masterpiece the other day - we are quite a team! Chicken fajitas and a bowl of fruit? - surely the Masterchef title is ours!

Saturday 16 January 2010

Right, I'm ready, let's go!

It rained heavily overnight, so at last most of the snow has melted and we can go out again without it being a hassle. Kezia was raring to go this morning as we headed into town.

It's not Charlie & Lola, it's Kezia & Lola!

We popped into Waterstone's while we were in town today, and Kezia was completely thrilled to bits to find this cardboard cut-out of Lola (from 'Charlie & Lola') in the children's section. She thought it was brilliant and would have brought it home if she could. We will have to make do with this ace photo instead.

Friday 15 January 2010

Trying on Mummy's cow-boy hat

She knows where the little switch is inside that turns on the flashing lights - if you look carefully, you can see that they are lit up!

Being silly sausages!!

Playing with the Play-Doh fun factory - thanks, Peacock family, for a great present!

The Play-Doh penguin!

Saturday 9 January 2010

Keeping Kezia occupied

This morning we decided to make some muffins. We're going round the corner to Katie's house for lunch in a bit (so we can all go stir-crazy together!), so we'll have something to take with us.

Measuring and pouring the raisins...

Putting the mixture in the cases (they're in the oven as we speak!)

Thursday 7 January 2010

Introducing... Robbie Rotten (Kezia chose his name!)

Kezia saw Ciara (our next-door-neighbour who's 3) and her Daddy making a snowman yesterday, so she decided she wanted to make one. Ours is much smaller than theirs, but Ciara's Daddy is a fireman and much more practical than Kezia's Mummy! I was rather proud of it, even if he does look a bit strange as we only had a banana for his nose!

Tuesday 5 January 2010

"Let's Play Darts!"

Last night, Tris and I went to the World Darts Championships at the Lakeside Country Club in Frimley Green. It was brilliant! We saw 4 matches and our table was right by the door to the backstage area, so we got to see loads of the players going in and out. We took loads of photos and even got a couple of autographs! See below for the best bit of all...

Wearing my cowboy hat - it was a Christmas present from Kezia for the express purpose of wearing to the darts! It even has flashing lights on it!

It was such a fun night!

Meeting my darts hero - Martin "Wolfie" Adams! He was a really nice guy. (This was as we were leaving - earlier on we saw him win in straight sets.)

Sunday 3 January 2010

Play-doh hot dog, anyone?

Johnny, Marie, Leo & Ava popped round for tea and mince pies yesterday and Kezia was very lucky to get one last Christmas present - a play-doh barbecue set. Here she is creating a hot dog! Delicious!

New Year in Godalming

We had a lovely New Year staying with Steve, Cath & Thomas in Godalming. When we woke up on New Year's Day, there had been another light dusting of snow, and we went for a lovely walk along the River Wey through the town and stopped for a coffee on the way.

Thomas & Kezia get on so well together. They had a whale of a time. Here they are in Costa Coffee when we stopped for a rest - you can easily spot which kid had a hot chocolate to drink!

Christmas Day 2!

We hadn't seen the Peacocks over Christmas because they were away, so on the 30th we met up with them and had a second mini Christmas Day. Here is Kezia having fun with Uncles Dan and Adrian.

Bekah gets the giggles

Lost in thought with Auntie Caroline