Tuesday 29 June 2010

Wonderful trip to the Wirral

Last weekend we went up to the Wirral to visit Great Gran (well, Gran for two of us, Great Gran for one of us!). It was our first visit for over a year, and it was just wonderful. We all had such fun, the weather was glorious, we went to the park and out for a pub lunch, and Kezia got to play with Lana, which she thought was ace. (Not sure what Lana made of it!). It was lovely to see Gran - we had a brilliant weekend

Really early on Saturday morning, while it was still cool and fresh, out watering the plants with Great Gran

Out for a walk in the sunshine - I love this photo.

On Saturday morning we all strolled down to Mayer Park so that Kezia could play at the playground and Lana could go for a walk. This photo makes it look as though (Great) Gran needs a guide dog, but still......

We don't really know anyone (else) with a dog, so Kezia thought the novelty of having Lana around was brilliant. She completely fell in love with her and followed her round the whole weekend. Lana took it all very well and the two of them got along famously!

Kezia had a whale of a time playing doctors with Great Gran. Poor Great Gran seems to have a very sore thumb - I'm not sure that what Dr. Kezia is doing is really helping!

Finally, before we headed home, there was a chance for Kezia to get hold of the camera and take one more photo of her beloved Lana! We all had a wonderful time - it was brilliant.

Sunday 27 June 2010

Getting a bit behind

We seem to have fallen a bit behind with updating the blog in the last few weeks - apologies! We have some more great photos to publish, but here are just a few to keep you going. This weekend we had a lovely trip to the Wirral to visit Great Gran. Kezia was delighted to see and play with Great Gran, and I imagine Lana (the dog) is now enjoying a well-earnt rest after Kezia wanting to play with her so much over the weekend. Sweet photos of all that to follow!

Playing Drs with Great Gran :-)

Bekah's birthday trip to the Cotswold Wildlife Park

It was Bekah's 2nd birthday just over a week ago, so we went to the wildlife park with them for a day out. It was a lovely sunny day and we had great fun - the kids (especially James and Kezia) loved walking around hand in hand and pointing things out to each other :-)

The Birthday Girl gets a lift from her Daddy

Looking at some of the animals

Of course, I have lots of pics of the three munchkins from the back as they were looking at various animals! They thought it was brilliant to have a look together - we thought they were trying to actually climb in with the monkeys (bottom pic)! Kezia kept changing her mind on the way home about which were her favourite animals - in the end she decided on the giraffes (top pic). I thought they were pretty cool too.

I LOVE this pic of James eating his picnic - he looks so sweet (and so grown up!)

Me, my Mum and one of my little sisters - I really like this photo (just a shame Caroline had to work that day)

Friday 18 June 2010

New haircut!

All smiles before the England - Algeria match. I wasn't quite as happy afterwards!

Sunday 13 June 2010

Football fever....sort of....

Saturday was the day of England's first World Cup match v the USA. We looked after Katie in the morning and decided to give the girls face paint so they could show their support! (The face paint lasted about 5 minutes, but never mind)

We took the kids on the train to Reading.

We all had a great time down at the park at Christchurch Meadows in Reading, and nearly everyone had decided to wear an England shirt in honour of the match - including Kezia.

Saturday 12 June 2010

The World Cup begins!

Yesterday afternoon was the first match of the 2010 World Cup, South Africa v Mexico. Kezia had a nap during the first half, but when she woke up at the start of the second half, she came and cuddled up on the sofa with me and we watched about 15 minutes together. It was ace. She asked all sorts of questions about who was who, which ones were the goalkeepers, what the linesman's flag was for etc, and while we were watching South Africa scored a cracking goal, so it was terrific.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Splashing about in the paddling pool with her cousins!

On Friday, Kezia's cousins came over just after Daddy had filled up the paddling pool. The three of them had great fun, especially when they realised they could kick their legs up and down and splash themselves and the Mummies (who were sitting in picnic chairs next to the pool)!

Monday 7 June 2010

Bonjour Dora 'Splorer!

In Woodley last week it was the French market (with real French people!) and from miles away, Kezia spotted this blow-up Dora. Luckily, Kezia had earned a little treat for getting 7 more stickers on her being-quiet-early-in-the-morning sticker chart, so we could get a Dora. She really IS an explorer, because she had come all the way from France.

Thursday 3 June 2010

It has been LOVELY to see you, Gran!

Gran went home this morning after being here for 4 days. It was lovely to see her and we all had an ace time. Thank you so much for coming! These aren't the best photos of Kezia but still - (we'll have to work on making that grin a bit less cheesy!)

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Thank you Grandad - You are brilliant!

Last week when Grandad came round to sort out our garden, he shored up a broken fence post and drew a letter 'K' for Kezia in the concrete round the base. Today Kezia painted it pink! It is great - she has her very own special spot in the garden! Thanks Grandad!