Wednesday 26 August 2015

Two lovely photos of Kezia, taken at Weston super Mare last week.

Fun at Braintree v Tranmere with Will recently - shame it was a 0-0 draw!

Holiday Time!

At the start of August we had a week's holiday in Westward Ho! in Devon. The first 2 days were very wet and windy, which was a shame, but the rest of the week turned out lovely and sunny. We had a fun holiday.

Happy to be on our way (at Exeter St. David's station).

The view from our cottage - the first few days were a bit wet!

Our first walk down the cliff path into Westward Ho!

It was blowy!

Rough seas on the first day down in Devon.

On our first evening, the spray from the sea was crashing over the sea wall - all the kids there, including Kezia, thought this was hilarious fun.

Where we stayed was a former stud farm - there were lots of horses.

On the walk down into town - don't look now, but I THINK there's someone behind you.

The field on the way into Westward Ho!

The "Spooky House" on the cliff top.

They have these footprint markers all along the sea front.

Me and my girl next to the beach huts in Westward Ho! One of them is called "Sea View" (!)

Two sides to Westward Ho! beach - on a windswept day....

..and a sunny day, though it is best to wait for the tide to go out and reveal the miles of sand - when the tide is in, the pebble ridge isn't that comfy to sit on!

The place where we stayed use this spot as a wedding reception venue. Amazing views over the sea.

Time for a game of table tennis.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

The riverside at Bideford.

Next to the cannons in the park in Bideford.

There was a mini funfair going on in Victoria Park in Bideford; Kezia really enjoyed it.

Ahoy there! At Appledore harbour.

A nice mural in Appledore.

While we were in Appledore, it REALLY started to pour with rain. We were worried that our holiday would be a total washout. Luckily the rest of the week was lovely and sunny.

Collecting eggs from the hens was fruitless - they never seemed to lay any!

There was a 'play barn' where we stayed, with various games and things to do. Kezia loved the indoor pool (which was really just a glorified hot tub).

Yippee - the sun is out (at last!)

One (sunny!) day, we went to Bideford and hired bikes so that we could cycle part of the Tarka Trail along the old railway line. It was ace.

A nice spot to stop for lunch - even the rusty boat was pretty.

Really strange MOD building near Instow, with fluffy toys guarding the fence!

Peekaboo - at the old lime kiln on the Tarka Trail.

The girls taking a breather in the sunshine.

Pretty view across to Appledore.

Sandcastle time!

The sands at Instow - with handy ice cream van!

Setting off back to Bideford. Our bike-hire day was ace fun.

Kezia was hugely excited to be able to take the farm dog, Raffles, out for a walk.

We took him down to the beach at this bay just along the coast path towards Clovelly.

When the sun was shining, the walk along the coast path into Westward Ho! was absolutely lovely.

Our surfer dude on the sand at Westward Ho!

The 'bury your own feet race' was declared a draw!

Our final trip to Instow was for the Appledore & Instow regatta. There was all sorts going on. Kezia liked this entry in the sand castle competition.

Team Browning Selfie!