Monday 2 April 2018

A fond farewell to our family blog

Well, after 10-years-plus of our family adventures being faithfully recorded on this blog, it is time to close it down. We started the blog in 2007 with the exciting news that Kezia was on her way. At the time of the first post, our family was based far and wide across the world and the blog was a great way of keeping everyone in touch with our news. At that time of course, social media was also in its absolute infancy. As I write, some people who followed the blog are sadly no longer with us, many who lived far away at the start now live round the corner, and of course, social media is everywhere, keeping everyone updated at the drop of a hat. We have loved writing this blog, and we'll look back at it often, if only to see how our cheerful, sparky, happy, not-so-little girl grew up so fast! Thanks, and as they say, 'That's all, folks!'