Friday, 24 May 2013

A few updates

Our PC is being repaired so we can't upload photos from our camera at the moment, so in the meantime here are some recent ones taken with Sarah's phone.

One last fun one from the photo-booth at Ally & Lucy's wedding a few weeks ago

That's my girl!

End of an era - Tranmere's 24 year sponsorship deal with Wirral Borough Council comes to an end


If you are in 'Golden Book' in Kezia's class (for doing excellent work, being helpful, generally doing something good) then you get to take class cuddly toy Digby home for the weekend. A few weeks ago, it was Kezia's turn. As you can see, Digby had a very busy time (including a visit to friend Lily's house).

A walk through the woods with Emily, Ben, Claire & Kelvin (and then home for the FA Cup Final!)

A recent game of 'Beat The Teacher' with Mummy - needless to say, Kezia won!